Project Improvement Forum was held at the Academy of State Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 3 to December 4. Outcomes of the II National Competition “Qazaqstan Project Management Awards 2021” were announced at the Forum.

What Project Improvement Forum is conducted for?
The professional competitive platform is organized in order to develop project management system within Kazakhstan and to support authorities and state institutions which keep up with the times and introduce project management techniques and tools in their activities.
The competition brings together project managers from all over Kazakhstan to work together and exchange experiences for the second year in a row. It allows identification of the best project managers who are able to implement projects and programs in efficient way.
Nominations and participants of Qazaqstan Project Management Awards
State institutions, representatives of business, non-governmental organizations of quasi-public sector, and higher educational institutions competed for the title to be the best for the first time this year.
Our company was awarded “Best Project of the Year” nomination in “Business” category. We have been designing, supplying and installing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems since 2000. We transformed our small-scale HVAC company to an industry leader in our region since then. The award in the competition is an important event for our company and it proves that development strategy we chose is effective.

We presented a project on improvement of organization called “Building of System Business” for the competition. Its purpose is to help top managers take a fresh look at activities of team and company as a whole. We suggested techniques to improve workflow by introducing process transparency mechanisms and increasing KPI of employees.
Comments of the Director, ARTS LLP
Director of the company, Svetlana Olneva said,
“In 2019, our company experienced a sharp growth rate, which, together with rapid scaling, caused a number of problems. We further realized that the lack of consistency within the company could negatively affect our work, and therefore we needed to switch from manual management to system management. This problem became a prerequisite for development of the project that has been implemented for year and a half. As a result, the project allowed achieving uninterrupted, stable, structured and regulated operation of the company. We have created of a structure with clearly defined roles, functions, areas of authority and responsibilities. We are pleased that the project has received such a high award and we hope that our experience will be useful for other companies as well”.
How Qazaqstan Project Management Awards is conducted
The competition was traditionally held in several stages that included acceptance of online applications, evaluation of reports of participants by professional assessors, reviewing and award of winners by the jury that was formed out of representatives of government agencies and professional design communities.

The number of participants has increased this year. More than 300 applications were submitted. It tells us about increased interest in the Competition.